We would like to thank you for considering a contact lens fitting with Eye Physicians of Austin. After you receive a thorough examination by one of our Board Certified Ophthalmologists, we ask that you stop by our contact lens department to schedule an appointment with our experienced contact lens fitter.
If you are an established patient that currently wears contact lenses prescribed by Eye Physicians of Austin and no changes have been made to the prescription or to the fit, you may purchase your current lenses for up to a one-year supply from the day of your exam. Per Texas state law, contact lens prescriptions are valid for one year.
Contact lens fittings offered:
Single Vision Lenses
Ridge Gas Permeable (RGP)
Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)
All fitting fees are due at the time of fitting and are non-refundable. Fitting fees do not include your purchase cost of the lenses.
Contact lens fitting fees are determined by the type of lens and complexity of the fit. Please call our office for more information.
Monovision and Multifocal lenses are considered upgraded lenses. After the initial fitting fee, additional fees may be incurred for additional fittings that are necessary to complete the upgrade process.
All Custom Soft Lenses, Hard Lenses, and Rigid Gas Permeable Lenses, are a customized fit and prices are determined by the type of lens and by the complexity of the fit.
Many disposable soft contact lenses are available in complimentary trials. However, some types of contacts lenses are not available in complimentary trials, i.e., colored soft lenses, gas perms, or planned replacement. These lenses must be purchased.
Purchases and Returns:
The purchase of contact lenses must be paid for in full at time of order. Any changes to the prescription must be made within 30 days of your fitting. If, within the first 60 days, you feel contacts are not for you, we may be able to credit your account for your contact lens purchase. No returns will be accepted after 60 days of purchase.
If you originally purchased contacts from Eye Physicians of Austin, requirements for return are:
For gas permeable lenses: Lenses must be in good condition
For soft lenses: Boxes must not be opened/damaged, written on or expired.
For custom soft lenses: Must return all lenses, original packaging, including vials for return.
Contact lenses FAQ: https://www.eyephysiciansofaustin.com/services/contact-lenses
Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act: This act went into effect February 4, 2004. As stated by this Act, you are entitled to a copy of your contact lens prescription once the prescription is finalized by our contact lens department. Receiving a trial lens IS NOT a finalized prescription. Contact lens prescriptions are valid for one year, per Texas state law.
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